
Showing posts from 2008

A Journey in Curfew !!!!!

It was for the last two days that my city had turned violent and ferocious. The streets, which were my best friends in any other normal day, have disguised in the worst enemy. The city was tensed, police, RPF were lightening fast in action and the pleasant breeze of the city had turned into messengers giving messages of stinking bodies, robbery and brawling. All of a sudden I got the news of relaxation in curfew for 2 hours in some areas. Staying at my sister’s home since curfew was announced, I was eager to reach home. I took my bike and within no time I came on the main road. Unaware of the non-relaxation areas, I was noticing that number of persons on the road was diminishing very fast, but I surpassed this indication.At 55 kmph, I saw several piles of stones, broken tube lights, broken hockey, tore clothes coming towards me and passing by me. It was only after I saw several policemen coming towards me; I realized my mistake of entering into still curfew area. I was double minded. O...

Global warming

The map of early warning signs clearly illustrates the global nature of climate changes. In its 2001 assessment, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded that, �an increasing body of observations gives a collective picture of a warming world and other changes in the climate system." While North America and Europe—where the science is strongest—exhibit the highest density of indicators, scientists have made a great effort in recent years to document the early impacts of global warming on other continents. Our map update reflects this emerging knowledge from all parts of the world. Although factors other than climate may have intensified the severity of some of the events on the map, scientists predict such problems will increase if emissions of heat-trapping gases are not brought under control.