Create your own world

Gautam Buddha said-" The mind is everything. What you think you become". When I read some great books , I got similar thoughts in Bhagvad Gita - Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is.
These two thoughts and many other like - Ford said " If you think you can , you can and if you think you can't you are right" made me think and research on the thought deeper and deeper. I read a lot of stuffs, viewed lot of videos, spoke to so many people and then I started applying the same concept on myself because i believe unless I experience , I can nt put it infront of you the way I should put. So my learnings are all experienced.
After my own experience I came to know that the thoughts are the guiding fuel of our actions. As we act , we start shaping our circumstances and hence start making our destiny and ourself. With my own experience I can say the outer circumstances are not guiding your day to day activites rather its the inside out. Your mind first create the image of the world you want to creat and when the world is well sunk in your mind the body is triggered to create the same. It is simillar to the fact that Right bros first imagined a body that can fly and later they carved and created aeroplane. Marconi first imagined and painted a picture in his mind of sending the signals through eather and then he could invent that milestone masterpiece. All the great writers, musicians, leaders, first imagined and painted the picture in their mind of what they wanted and then they could give them a solid structure.
Your life is perfect epitome of your thoughts. So my dear, align your thoughts in the way you want and create your own world.


Unknown said…
hmm very true brother :)

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